Camp is over for another year. :-( But, I had a wonderful time!
Pictures up in my album --
Photos (when I remembered I brought my camera!)
Thursday: Reee picked me up, and we had lunch with Mom before we headed east to Davison... Lots of anticipation and giggling on the drive over. We arrived to lots of hugs! (I talk to most of our little group every day, but, it is way different to see them!) We got settled into our room, and went back out to the lobby. I often wonder what the hotel staff thinks when all these stitchers just take over! Ree and I decided we needed to make a run to Stiches 'N Things (hereafter refered to as SNT), to say hi to the gals there, and maybe (?) pick up a few things. With that completed we headed back to the hotel. More stitchers had arrived and friendships were renewed and new ones started!
Friday: More stitchers arrived, and more of our group -- we were almost complete! Another stash run to SNT -- and the shop was busy! Part of the fun is showing off the finds, and having another stitcher ask "Where did you find that? I want one!" All the staff is very patient and understanding. Maybe because they are stitchers, too! Friday night was the 'Meet and Greet' that Deb (owner of SNT), has to introduce everyone, meet the Designers, and tell about the plans for the weekend. Linda Palmer of 'In A Gentle Fashion' was one of the Designers this year, and Betsy Stinner of Earth Threads. Linda's designs are beautiful, in muted colors and very delicate. Her design was a heart piece, and was very lovely. (I did not take her class, but, the stitchers who did said it was great!) Betsy's design was a sampler, 'The Eliza Pickney Sampler', and she would be telling the story of this historic woman. Deb requested everyone to put their nametags in for a contest... Ree's nametag came in second!! Afterwards, we all found a place to stitch either in the lobby or conference room, and chatted and laughed, and got a little stitching done until the wee hours!
--- on a side note for Friday, my husband Chuck and daughter Becca, surprised Ree by coming over and bringing us Corned Beef and Cabbage for dinner. (I knew about the plans.) They got to meet some of the stitchers, and Becca heard how she looks just like her mom! :-)
Saturday: Dragged ourselves out of bed in time for Betsy's class. Did I mention how much I love Betsy?! It was wonderful!!! Betsy is such a great teacher, and I so enjoy the history behind the design. Eliza Pickney was quite a woman -- and shows just how strong we can be! (I don't want to spoil it for anyone who is taking the class later this year.) We had a lunch break, and then back to class. The room was a little stuffy, and warm -- we had had a great lunch, so, the eyelids were wanting to close -- Ree fell asleep! And the funniest part was, she was right in front of Betsy! I too was struggling -- I had attempted the 'triple cross' four times -- taking it out each time -- and finally gave up, and just listened for the rest of the class. I knew Betsy would be around all weekend if I needed help!
After class -- guess where we headed? Yes, back to SNT! I made a major dent in the wish list! But, some things were just not calling to me when I looked at the charts, and I was enabled by a lot of other stitchers with the charts they were looking at! You all would think it funny how many would walk up to me, and say... "Did you see this one? It's done in blues..." (Yes, blue is my favorite color... the running joke all weekend was: "Does that design you are stitching have DMC 930 in it? We know that's your favorite color!")
The shop staff put on a great dinner for all the stitchers, and then it was again the laughing, chatting, and stitching all over the common areas of the hotel. One of the great things is roaming around, and checking to see what everyone is stitching! And before we knew it... it was the wee hours of the morning, again! I did have a finish on Cross Stitcher at Work!!!
Sunday: It was Ree's birthday, and her husband called at 7:10 a.m.!! (Probably a good thing, as I don't know when I would have awoke!) We migrated out to the lobby and took up our stitching. Some stitchers were starting to leave... we exchanged email addresses with our new friends, and gave out hugs and wished them safe journeys. Our group got together in the conference room for our Annual Group Photo. How special this one is, as we were all here once again!! We then had a few others join us for a few more shots... and some of our group headed home. Was the weekend over already??? Jenn and I moved to another table in the lobby and started beading our Rose Mosaic needlerolls. Jenn provided the beads... I had the 'Tacky Bob'! I told Jenn I was a slow beader, and now I think she really believes me! Ree wanted to go get something to eat, and make a run to SNT (again?), so, I left Jenn beading, hoping we would be back before she and her daughter left, (didn't make it -- missed you by about 1/2 hour), but, Jenn was sweet enough to leave me beads to finish! We settled back in, stitched away the rest of the afternoon/evening! I think I finished beading about 11:00 p.m.! And even dropping a few, I had plenty of beads... Thanks Jenn!! (now I'll have to get busy and finish it up!) So, two finishes so far at camp! I pulled out my Classic Quilt Squares Table topper to work on, but, not a lot of progress made. Too busy laughing. Camp is officially over on Sunday afternoon, but some of our group stay over until Monday, as we just want to drag out our once-a-year get-together as long as we can....
Monday: Dragged ourselves out of bed. Started to pack up. This is the hardest... saying our goodbyes to dear friends, that we won't see for another year. As two leave, we all start singing "Leaving, On a jet plane...", and then ran out to wave as they drove away... Yes, silly, but, I would rather have them leave smiling... I was starting to lose it. All my friends are so dear to me.... We headed out at about noon. Tears, hugs, and 'see you next year' shared by all. It just is so different - even though we were talking in emails by Monday evening...
Stash report to follow in a later post.... This one is long enough!
Stitching on today: Tulip Sampler