Saturday, April 01, 2006

Stork Watch

Nothing to do with stitching... but, I have put the 'Stork Watch' over in my Favorite Places. Check it out... it is a Stork nest, and one is there. :-)

I'm going to go read some blogs, and add a few to my sidebar that I've been reading lately. I don't know if I'll be up to stitching tonight -- still feeling stuffy. And, I have to remember to change the clocks! (I really don't think I need to lose that hour.)

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Maybe stitching on today:
Quaker Sampler


Cathy B said...

So glad to hear that your computer is working again! All of the stitching in the pictures you posted looks great!

DonnaSews said...

Hi Myrna..

I like the your blog!! Yes, the Quaker mystery is beautiful.

Enjoy your projects are beautiful!!