Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I just thought I would share some pictures, until I get some of my stitching photos up. The first one is a few of my tulips that are blooming... As you can see, I also need to find some time to work on the leaves in the flower beds!

Here is a picture of our two black cats on Chuck's recliner. Shadow is on the back, and CeeCee is asleep on the seat. Lazy things....

And, my first ever exchange with the USExchangeBB, was sent off today! Here is a picture of it: (he he he)

It is a 'Grab Bag' exchange... I hope the recipient likes what is in the box.

I guess I'll go press some of the stitching I've been doing, and get some pictures of that. :-)

Thanks for reading and commenting... I've been feeling almost back to normal!

Stitching on today: Lizzie Kate Christmas Blessings


Von said...

It's always wonderful to see the color of spring reappearing each year. I've been working on cleaning my yard too. Today I've been attacking an overgrown area of daylilies.
Kitties think they own everything, lol! I bought new couches a couple of years ago and they're they only thing I'm strict about keeping our cat off of - but every now and then he'll disobey just to see if he can get away with it, lol!

Lelia said...

Hi Myrna: Glad to hear you are feeling better. Those Spring germs are buggers to be rid of. LOL-love your grab bag!! Beautiful tulips. We had a nice garden until the frost last night.

What sweet cats!!