I didn't know I needed help holding the chart for my current project! But, as you can see from the upper left corner.... I have kitty chew marks!!! (they are not 'fessing up, but, I have a pretty good idea who's teeth marks those are!) Now when I am not stitching, the chart gets hidden!
This is a new type of project for me. It is needlepoint and is 'Hearts and Flowers Quilt' from Nancy's Needle. I am doing it in beige, pink, and sage colors. It is the perfect project for stitching while watching the Masters on TV!

And, here is a picture of my adorable Ruthie!!! She is such a little giggle bug!!! Grandchildren are fun! She has two little teeth hiding in there... but, doesn't show them.
Got the news yesterday at the doctors, that I get to go back to work on the 17th, with restrictions. Work is happy -- me? not so much!! Guess I'll be stitching my little heart out for the next ten days!!! Wonder if I can get anything finished...
Happy Spring (it should show up eventually!) & Happy Stitching!!
Your grand-daughter is a sweetie...little chubby cheeks :) I miss those days....
What a happy smile! My youngest grandchild is over a year now and I sure miss those little baby days. :)
She's so cute! Those little cheeks are adorable. ;)
The sage green and pink are so nice and summery. I have yet to try a needlepoint project, but I do have one all kitted up and ready to go for when I'm ready.
I hope you get lots of relaxation in over the next 10 days! And I hope you adjust well when it is time for you to finally go back to work. I understand completely why you would rather stay home and stitch! ;)
Lovely new projects Myrna - BOTH of them LOL! Love the photo of your granddaughter -too cute. I hven't done needlepoint in about 30 yrs but I don't need another obsession so I steer clear of it LOL.
Hi Myrna - know you are the busy bee and enjoying family!!!
I have a couple of giveaways on my blogs --- you might be interested.
Stitches of Life
Stitches of Life II
enjoy the day, and Happy Easter
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