Camp Stitch-a-Lot -- My yearly escape from reality!!! It was two weeks earlier than we usually have camp, but, that's okay! A wonderful time was had... Here is a picture Deb took of the stitchers taking over the lobby/breakfast area.

Here is a picture of my name tag I made for this year. The fabric is what I used on the back. New name tags are not required, but, I have a wall in my craft room where they all hang, so, I make a new one every year. I make them with a pocket to hold my room key.

Our goodie bag for camp was a canvas tote, and Deb included all the goodies to make this button for the loop closing. (The ribbon is supposed to be on the back, but, I glued mine wrong... so, it's unique, okay?) There was other goodies in there too!

I took one class this year. It was Debbie Rowley's Camp Pendent. It was several different needlework stitches, and then memory thread, and heat activated gems... I like how it turned out...

On Sunday night (camp was over), my sister, Reee, had a little class for us 'left over-don't want to go home' campers. It was a Hardware Necklace. It is made with a washer, nuts, some colored wire and beads on a leather cord. I love it!!!

We went shopping (surprise!), and made stops at Homestead Needle Arts, and at Stitches 'N Things. I got some fibers and the supplies to try needlepoint at Homestead, and of course I picked up a few charts at SNT. I also did pretty well on the freebie counter at camp. (That is where you can bring your unwanted charts and put them out for other stitchers to claim. I had taken a good size box, and only came home with a few!)
That's about it for this post. I need to get back to stitching on my UFO's! I do feel I am making progress, and when I finish up one more, I am starting a new project!
Thanks for taking to time to read and comment.... Stitch Happy!
(I just realized this is my 200th post! I'll have to think of something special to do for a prize!)
Oh golly Myrna! I sure do think every year when you post about the Camp Stitch-a-Lot that it looks like a great good time!!!! No exception this year! I love that necklace class you took with the memory thread. AWESOME!!!!
And your name tag is awesome too ;)
Hugs and love to you!
thx for sharing your camp experience + photos.
Maybe you need to share a picture of all your name tags --- the ones you have up on the wall! How kewl.
congrats on the 200th post - what a milesone!
Oooh that looked like it was a lot of fun! Where was it held? Where can I get some info on next years?
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